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Marque / MakeGaston Grümmer
Modèle / Model
ThèmeCarrossiers/ Coachbuilders
Titre / TitleGaston Grümmer: The Art of Carrosserie
DescriptionCoffret 2 volumes : Tirage limité 600 exemplaires
The years between the two World Wars was an extraordinary period for the French luxury car trade and during this time, Carrosserie Gaston Grümmer was one of the leading coach building houses in Paris.Illustrated with photographs, press articles and period documents, including the reproduction of a series of design drawings, this reference book on bodywork of the time is a must for any student of the period.
Etat / Condition
En Stock / In Stock1 exemplaire
Année de parution / Date of Publication2017
Auteur / AuthorPhilippe Grümmer & Laurent Friry
Editeur / EditorDalton Watson Fine Books
Langue / LanguageAnglais
Pays / Country
Couverture / CoverCoffret
Notre avis / Our Opinion
Nombre de Pages / Pages
Hauteur / Height
Largeur / Width
DOC'AUTO collection - tel : +33 (0)6 62 48 84 99 - email : docauto@wanadoo.fr
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